Trump's Covert Plan Against The Deep State Is Going To Make America Great Again - Episode 1255b

from X22Report



@00:06:41 would in turn put both china and russia
@00:17:34 stopping terrorism it's russia china
@00:20:28 great confidence that china will


@00:17:38 actually iran it's hard to believe it's

Deep state

@00:00:59 is trump's covert plan against a deep
@00:01:01 state is going to make america great
@00:02:11 deep state they've been going to going
@00:02:31 central bank the deep state to keep
@00:05:21 now we see out in north korea the deep
@00:05:24 state they are pushing their agenda very
@00:07:11 going on the deep state that wants war
@00:07:20 are conflicting right now but the deep
@00:07:22 state they're still pushing the idea
@00:12:17 have the deep state which is the bad
@00:13:00 corporate media in the deep state they
@00:13:07 anywhere and the deep state well they
@00:13:48 obama the deep state they were spying on
@00:14:00 the deep state is pushing for war and he
@00:14:20 corporate media cia the deep state he
@00:16:00 corporate media the deep state to
@00:16:08 the cia deep state about this chemical
@00:16:11 attack now he knows the cia the deep
@00:16:13 state is providing fake intel it is fake
@00:16:52 how we went into there how the deep
@00:16:54 state is using this fake news and how
@00:21:12 deep state they're pushing for a war now
@00:21:23 deep state wants the system to collapse
@00:21:33 deep state the cia those individuals
@00:22:00 very careful because we can see the deep
@00:22:02 state they're going to try to use all
@00:22:07 deep state they're putting out articles
@00:22:38 korea it will be the deep state they
@00:22:52 deep state and we need to remember
@00:27:56 the deep state they don't know where to
@00:28:28 war and the deep state trying to create
@00:28:34 guys are trying to remove the deep state

false flag

@00:22:34 false flag they will fire a missile off

North Korea

@00:05:21 now we see out in north korea the deep
@00:05:37 now we see that north korea well one of
@00:05:47 korea we see japan while they're
@00:05:49 preparing for a north korea emergency
@00:06:00 action against north korea the japanese
@00:07:01 north korea penn the pentagon came out
@00:07:51 reported that north korea has fired a
@00:08:10 actual information was north korea
@00:08:48 and now it reads north korea missiles
@00:11:50 with syria with north korea and people
@00:20:30 probably deal with north korea if they
@00:21:49 ready to invade north korea
@00:22:20 be maybe a russian sub or north korean
@00:22:24 a new type of missile that north korea
@00:22:36 the coast of course it won't be north
@00:22:38 korea it will be the deep state they
@00:22:44 north korea to get the war sir or have a


@00:13:35 flynn they were removed and they kept

Five Eyes

@00:01:18 spying on trump we see the five eyes


@00:04:50 declined to offer proof that assad
@00:05:05 claim to provide the proof because he