Right On Schedule, Recession Cancelled, Global Trade Reset In Progress - Episode 1963a

from X22Report



@00:06:14 there is no recession china is eating
@00:06:27 china having worst year in decades talks
@00:11:22 idea that trump is doing with china this
@00:11:41 out of china remember their plan was to
@00:12:00 china and many of the countries out
@00:12:06 were purchasing from china and china was
@00:12:19 with china now the mainstream media they
@00:13:03 small part and china big part as the
@00:13:39 impact is doubled china has less income
@00:13:52 china is going to buy something guess
@00:14:04 because china devalued their currency
@00:14:19 china buys less and that now exhibits in

Deep state

@00:03:04 bank the deep state the globalists think
@00:06:44 2020 so the deep state the central banks