Clinton Connected Dem Arrested for Pedophilia

from dnajlion7



@00:05:29 china which cue is actually warned us
@00:05:36 to china and doing all sorts of horrible

Human trafficking

@00:06:09 47 arrested in sex trafficking steam
@00:06:20 and undercover human trafficking sting
@00:06:30 undercover human and sex trafficking
@00:07:05 human trafficking related offenses such
@00:07:10 those charged with sex and human
@00:07:12 trafficking also face other charges
@00:07:33 the expanding problem of human and sex
@00:07:36 trafficking from harris county in two
@00:07:44 to eradicating human trafficking we
@00:07:58 operations targeting human and sex
@00:08:00 trafficking would be taking place in
@00:08:12 area for tackling this human and child
@00:08:16 sex trafficking huge issue head-on and


@00:06:09 47 arrested in sex trafficking steam
@00:06:20 and undercover human trafficking sting
@00:06:30 undercover human and sex trafficking
@00:06:55 trafficking apprehend the perpetrators
@00:07:05 human trafficking related offenses such
@00:07:12 trafficking also face other charges
@00:07:36 trafficking from harris county in two
@00:07:44 to eradicating human trafficking we
@00:08:00 trafficking would be taking place in
@00:08:16 sex trafficking huge issue head-on and


@00:01:24 porn video chat room sessions in which