Patriots Calm Confident as Left Sinks into Unhinged Panic War Mode

from Truth and Art TV



@00:11:33 like john brennan what are the odds of
@00:11:48 could sound exactly like john brennan


@00:05:28 sealed indictments which i'm gonna do
@00:05:33 indictments are verifiable easily
@00:05:38 not to mention 5500 unsealed indictments
@00:05:44 indictments see other than that jeff
@00:13:00 indictments yeah and a lot more you know


@00:05:01 about jeff sessions has noticed that
@00:05:03 everyone is saying that jeff sessions
@00:05:48 sessions hasn't done anything and the
@00:06:03 trump obstruction so sessions is
@00:08:35 sessions and everyone to give us their
@00:09:58 sessions is what triggered their they
@00:11:18 sessions firing i guess this this
@00:12:32 that sessions resigned he handed in his
@00:12:47 sessions was gonna step aside now that
@00:12:53 again the jeff sessions and and team the
@00:13:25 sessions firing and appointing whitaker

Deep state

@00:09:09 seeing the net effect is making the deep
@00:09:11 state very nervous with that said let's
@00:09:34 and check it out we have the deep state


@00:01:58 all these people these underground


@00:10:39 paul manafort and you know flynn you