GOOGLE'S BLACKLIST: Censoring Cancer Cures & Free Energy

from Destroying the Illusion


Las Vegas

@00:03:48 of stuff having to do with the las vegas
@00:11:13 overly broad pattern matching to the las
@00:11:16 vegas shooting take out target websites

Deep state

@00:04:00 proper execution of a deep state false
@00:04:06 no wonder google would do deep state
@00:04:57 the deep state you know it doesn't have
@00:05:00 it's just damaging truth that the deep
@00:05:02 state doesn't want out and it's not just
@00:05:22 anything damaging to deep state
@00:07:35 why google the deep state doesn't want
@00:09:18 something the deep state has been
@00:13:48 the deep state would lose a lot of money
@00:14:25 how google works to help the deep state


@00:03:09 fact go follow him twitter at perpetual
@00:05:46 videos have twitter post gone all sorts
@00:09:47 twitter and they got these emails these


@00:03:49 shooting and parkland and some other

false flag

@00:03:43 look to be false flag events that the
@00:04:00 proper execution of a deep state false
@00:04:03 flag in their eyes right so no doubt
@00:05:51 political false flag events etc even