Is The Stage Set For A Drop Of HRC (raw vid 5:5)?! :coded

from TRUreporting



@00:24:59 general michael horowitz bar has said
@00:25:21 reportedly been in contact with horowitz


@00:02:08 focus of durham probe shifts toward the
@00:10:17 times focus of durham probe shifts to
@00:10:30 durham the us attorney tasked with
@00:13:01 the meetings that durham and attorney
@00:13:15 her that durham is now very interested
@00:13:30 that barn durham gathered new evidence
@00:14:14 durham had in quote not requested
@00:14:34 york times article durham has already
@00:14:41 interviews shows that durham review
@00:15:20 knew durham from his time as an fbi
@00:15:23 agent in connecticut where durham was a
@00:15:47 durham or his team yet questioned or
@00:15:54 widening scope suggests that durham has
@00:16:06 nbc news reported that durham has
@00:16:32 that durham has also requested to talk
@00:16:46 have said that durham has found
@00:17:15 interviewed by mr. durham as part of
@00:17:22 what he has been finding durham has
@00:24:44 durham focused on the event leading up
@00:25:17 within the doj even so durham has
@00:25:41 to assist durham with the direction and


@00:02:16 interviewing former cia director brennan
@00:10:24 interviewing former cia director brennan
@00:10:43 director john brennan and former
@00:13:17 to question brennan and clapper
@00:16:22 brennan and former director of national
@00:17:06 brennan himself also told msnbc where he
@00:17:47 sometime in mid 2016 brennan formed an
@00:17:59 trump campaign brennan appeared to
@00:18:12 between john brennan right we put
@00:18:31 additionally brennan and some of his cia
@00:20:03 unofficial foreign intelligence brennan
@00:20:10 brennan testified to congress in may of
@00:20:21 shared with the bureau brennan also
@00:22:00 clapper brennan you were lying this view
@00:22:07 discussing both brennan and the former
@00:22:20 got a better argument than brennan based
@00:22:27 unofficial foreign intelligence brennan
@00:22:45 with his interview with mad dog brennan
@00:24:15 collection described by brennan doesn't
@00:24:27 campaign brennan began his process of
@00:24:39 investigation these actions by brennan


@00:19:37 and comey delivered to then president
@00:22:09 fbi director james comey noted it's

William Barr

@00:13:03 general william bar recently had in rome
@00:24:41 may be precisely why both barr and
@00:24:59 general michael horowitz bar has said

Deep state

@00:12:33 that he is part of a deep state cabal
@00:16:23 intelligence james clapper both deep
@00:16:27 state tentacles both will be buried
@00:26:33 deep state players and when the ones the


@00:23:47 twitter facebook instagram all of these
@00:27:09 channel you can follow me on twitter at

Inspector General

@00:24:57 abuse by justice department inspector
@00:24:59 general michael horowitz bar has said
@00:25:02 that the inspector general general's


@00:24:55 then the investigation into the fisa


@00:13:54 security adviser michael flynn that the