The Coup d'état Has Begun Which Will Divide America - Episode 1283b

from X22Report



@00:10:20 sailing ships into the south china sea
@00:10:22 saying that china was creating these
@00:10:31 china to basically say hey we don't
@00:10:42 together and encircle china and then we
@00:11:17 with china he's been getting other
@00:11:27 for a code of conduct in the south china


@00:05:30 what's very interesting is that comey
@00:05:54 obstruct your investigation comey said

Deep state

@00:01:44 see the deep state they are not giving
@00:04:03 over and this is what the deep state
@00:04:34 if this council finds nothing the deep
@00:04:39 state is done i mean what else are they
@00:06:09 doesn't matter to the deep state doesn't
@00:06:14 about any of this because the deep state
@00:07:08 deep state is so worried they're nervous
@00:08:52 very difficult so the deep state plan
@00:09:14 that the deep state they're pushing
@00:09:30 isn't it amazing the way the deep state
@00:11:52 ships in this area which means the deep
@00:11:55 state is going to have a problem
@00:12:41 states i'm talking about the deep state
@00:13:12 even though the deep state is there
@00:13:51 the deep state has been they've
@00:15:09 that's what the deep state does and
@00:16:05 that the deep state they are continually
@00:17:16 happened the deep state they're pushing
@00:19:47 very large and we can see the deep state
@00:19:58 forward because the deep state they want
@00:20:36 deep state is getting desperate and
@00:21:46 your system and we know that the deep
@00:21:50 state the central bankers we know that

Seth Rich

@00:09:55 investigating the murder of seth rich

false flag

@00:20:09 crematorium false flag chemical attacks

North Korea

@00:10:58 in moral largo because of the north
@00:11:01 korea crisis and things started to
@00:12:09 to north korea talking to joe dirtay
@00:12:26 into syria north korea south sudan iraq
@00:13:42 syria they wanted to look like north
@00:13:45 korea they want it to look like sudan
@00:15:44 exercise on how to invade north korea


@00:09:35 proof or validity absolutely no proof