This TimeLine Is So Crazy! Its Being Altered By White Hats!

from TRUreporting



@00:16:12 m never had surgery john mccain never


@00:22:56 border-crossing welcome to china


@00:26:54 we look down here to the cube map and it


@00:11:24 the uranium scandal robert muller don't


@00:18:13 trafficking to the murder to the theft
@00:20:17 trafficking in people we see this


@00:13:49 do you believe hrc soros obama etc have
@00:14:15 why did soros donate all his money
@00:15:39 soros rothschilds clinton's etc have
@00:16:22 he's gone why did soros transfer his
@00:17:06 why did soros his son have several
@00:17:15 seeing george soros the son this is so

Red Cross

@00:16:40 organizations that's the red cross they
@00:16:59 set on the side of the tents the red
@00:17:01 cross unbelievable so that yeah they are


@00:11:42 comey history will prove itself i'm


@00:13:28 that's the one one of the awan brothers


@00:00:51 follow me on twitter at true reporting
@00:29:18 twitter at true reporting and leave a


@00:03:19 parkland high school hmm what happened
@00:03:22 at parkland high school doesn't that
@00:18:44 old stuff that we see in parkland
@00:19:27 us half house representative parkland
@00:19:30 shooting nicolas cruz parkland school
@00:23:27 parkland high school shooting the same
@00:23:48 parkland shooting under sheriff israel

Seth Rich

@00:17:47 who killed seth rich and they're in

false flag

@00:06:00 showing you how much of a false flag
@00:07:22 caesar seoc hashtag false flag holy s
@00:21:24 false flag ready to go was it already


@00:11:50 operation mockingbird prop a priority to
@00:12:17 yesterday mockingbird
@00:14:26 mockingbird 10:30 17 god bless fellow
@00:15:45 potus operation mockingbird patriots are


@00:20:22 influence new mexico arizona texas
@00:23:07 april 20th why is the mexico border long


@00:01:11 phone this is just proof in the pudding
@00:02:55 proof check locate a national guard
@00:27:38 31st almost a year ago today 2017 proof