#QAnon - Chongqing/Tuesday, FB, Syria, Iran, RR TRUST

from Citizens Investigative Report



@00:46:19 knows that's pompeo trust horowitz trust


@00:45:23 with graham and mccain and osama bin


@00:34:53 china seek you cancel cue
@00:35:04 informant international chin china oh my
@00:35:50 china
@00:36:06 china chonk wing tuesday q and was put
@00:36:31 look at this from chun qiang qin china
@00:37:15 have pushed their way into china
@00:39:03 chong qin china i'm just trying to get
@00:39:39 this you know seventh china chunk wing
@00:40:50 avert a trade war she said china will
@00:42:12 businesses in china rallied around 2%
@00:42:17 escalating terror threats between china
@00:43:34 trade clash china opens up u.s. car
@00:44:00 yep here it is here's the post china
@00:44:13 the locations in china and i mean yeah
@00:44:39 tariff reduction tuesday china cars


@00:20:55 north korea uranium one doj mueller


@00:19:10 report april ninth iran threat to
@00:19:24 on right now as to draw out iran that's
@00:20:13 we've talked about syria iran california
@00:20:47 huber a one tarmac iran north korea


@00:22:06 ah see all these people comey they all


@00:20:42 report sessions public attack rod
@00:46:13 11:22 trust sessions trust ray trusts


@00:02:03 what is jack's secret t-handle twitter
@00:07:37 twitter instagram central algorithm the
@00:11:23 built between google facebook twitter
@00:19:33 donald trump's twitter california


@00:31:55 the start vaccines not all tobacco

false flag

@00:31:26 was this syria false flag and q comes
@00:32:27 is simply chlorine not false flag so so


@00:22:46 signing one of the fisa warrant renewals

North Korea

@00:20:47 huber a one tarmac iran north korea
@00:20:55 north korea uranium one doj mueller


@00:20:47 huber a one tarmac iran north korea
@00:46:22 huber cue it's kind of nice you notice


@00:44:08 a proof of queue right there guys

Saudi Arabia

@00:33:50 go back and understand think saudi
@00:33:52 arabia drops oh yeah that was a crazy