Ebola, Civil Unrest, Open Borders And War As The Economy Collapses - Episode 438

from X22Report



@00:36:18 york's kennedy airport fbi agents nabbed


@00:02:52 are containing china trying to provoke
@00:02:55 china into doing something we have
@00:04:48 and look at china and sign 19 deals with
@00:04:51 china to help stir the economy and right
@00:09:37 china and russia so in december 2013 the
@00:10:19 total trade china has currency swap
@00:12:16 here now in china it looks like they're
@00:12:37 food and the goods they need now china
@00:12:46 inciting tensions in the south china sea
@00:13:55 claim regarding the south china sea and
@00:13:59 china and the association of southeast
@00:14:08 south china sea this is coming from the
@00:14:32 to take a hard-line stance against china
@00:14:45 the agency added the south china sea
@00:14:52 all the countries china russia the other
@00:15:06 and china they made another agreement
@00:15:44 so russia and china are coming together
@00:17:51 china went to hong kong and it really
@00:18:20 making russia and china and all the
@00:30:28 situation here china is going to assist
@00:30:31 the west in africa china will send
@00:30:41 the first time that china has offered
@00:30:49 down there because china has a very big
@00:30:54 spread to nigeria and of course china

Red Cross

@00:22:35 authority of the red cross we've agreed
@00:23:04 coming in with the red cross and of


@00:36:13 a chilling twitter rants is being held