Insurance Activated, Playing Out As Planned, Blocking/Protecting Will Fail - Episode 1773b

from X22Report



@00:11:41 kennedy compound and there's a picture


@00:04:07 happening here and we can see that rbg


@00:18:18 also connected to crowdstrike
@00:18:20 crowdstrike is the private security that
@00:18:46 can see they had crowdstrike they hired

Deep state

@00:00:51 now the deep state they are doing what
@00:01:08 as planned the deep state they're doing
@00:02:03 the deep state the mainstream media does
@00:05:08 seen the deep state before and we know
@00:19:17 media the deep state do what they do
@00:21:25 that the mainstream media to deep state
@00:26:35 deep state i think they're trying to
@00:26:55 deep state many of these individuals
@00:28:20 and you can see by the deep state
@00:31:03 deep state plan is headed towards


@00:01:33 twitter you name it the cummington event

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

@00:04:00 ruth bader ginsburg because we saw all

North Korea

@00:28:30 control did they get a war with north
@00:28:32 korea no we got peace the troops are


@00:14:05 going on flynn is giving information on
@00:14:10 these investigations flynn knows all