SECRET New World Order Exposed?

from JustInformed Talk ™️



@00:00:04 another misconception about china and i
@00:00:12 case certainly china is paying for them
@00:00:16 china devalued their currency very
@00:00:40 for china on this episode of just
@00:00:47 establish a new world order with china
@00:03:33 build around that us china and russia so
@00:08:45 to china on air force two with his son
@00:08:52 china and and let's talk about how that
@00:09:04 artificial islands in the south china
@00:09:24 south china sea and removing all other
@00:09:36 you just let us take the south china sea
@00:09:47 sovereign waters no no give it to china


@00:12:46 president trump with john brennan james
@00:15:07 brennan and obama and hillary there are


@00:19:29 this psychotic leftist antifa driven mob


@00:11:39 say i'll say this though james comey
@00:12:51 james comey were abusing the super
@00:13:09 as unmasking goes and james comey
@00:13:14 james comey did
@00:15:04 james comey and james clapper and john


@00:25:51 help out come find me over on twitter at
@00:25:56 you letter you on twitter that's the
@00:26:01 twitter page for just inform talk we can
@00:26:12 streaming as well to twitter if i can
@00:26:31 you guys should go check out my twitter
@00:26:35 notified in your twitter stream so