Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 552

from X22Report



@00:06:34 government out of china and replace it
@00:16:55 attacking we have china that is cyber
@00:17:28 to be syria iran north korea china


@00:17:28 to be syria iran north korea china

North Korea

@00:07:51 we're seeing with north korea russia and
@00:13:22 north korea what are we seeing we're
@00:13:25 seeing north korea's internet and three
@00:13:34 the north korea is out there they're
@00:13:58 american people that north korea was
@00:14:16 they questioned whether north korea
@00:14:18 north korea really had the motive or the
@00:15:33 they've created this illusion that north
@00:15:36 korea is behind it and it is falling
@00:15:57 evidence it makes no sense that north
@00:16:00 korea would even do something like this
@00:16:52 north korea is cyber attacking where the
@00:17:28 to be syria iran north korea china
@00:18:01 we've been doing with north korea and