deleted Q 5.27.20 - BioWeapon. War. Stand or Die. Survival as a Nation.

from Dustin Nemos



@00:06:38 working with china russia ukraine and
@00:10:43 you know threats from china following
@00:11:09 obviously if it comes out that china
@00:11:17 china and doesn't want to talk to them
@00:11:27 he calls out china for for bioweapon


@00:04:49 coronavirus distracting everyone planned


@00:04:56 selling baby parts they were trafficking
@00:06:11 admitted under oath to trafficking the

Deep state

@00:06:49 right and we're going to expose the deep
@00:06:50 state with the help of foreign leaders


@00:00:23 on twitter or something that he's
@00:01:53 moving on to a twitter post let's check

Mass arrests

@00:12:18 but all we do these mass arrests we

Five Eyes

@00:06:40 others and of course the five eyes