Vault 7 - Potus Opened Door of all Doors: JA: Keystone, Magic Wand, Angelfire

from Citizens Investigative Report



@00:23:56 was bogus that he went to china first
@00:23:58 and then russia all right why did china
@00:24:05 china grant access to travel with block


@00:27:55 cue map and on march 5th 2019 an anon
@00:30:36 need the map this is this is what's
@00:30:38 called using the map going back and


@00:15:35 fbi agent captured and iran okay so


@00:16:21 times and bruce soros involved or


@00:12:53 russia scandal james comey fired fbi
@00:14:32 basically he comey what julian assange
@00:14:49 intervention by comey relayed through
@00:17:52 this stuff goes on but basically comey
@00:18:22 comey intervention the episode so

William Barr

@00:43:34 committee met with new-agey william bar
@00:43:40 yeah they know right here bar meets

Deep state

@00:32:45 deep state furthermore who uses a magic


@00:44:16 put the twitter status and then there's

false flag

@00:07:27 russia in order to create false flag


@00:42:57 the fisa nobody is safe leak was plugged


@00:39:14 migrant caravan at the san diego mexico
@00:41:29 and an attorney from entering mexico to

Five Eyes

@00:36:21 frankfurt and then through five eyes one
@00:36:35 a code word for five eyes so this
@00:36:38 actually implicates the smut the five
@00:36:40 eyes all right so it's pretty


@00:43:30 john huber who serves as vice chair of
@00:43:44 huber and oh i g and he's alright you