Ukraine Pushing Hard To Re-Start The War In The South Eastern Region - Episode 739b

from X22Report



@00:16:57 that china russia north korea are behind
@00:17:05 china of accessing the private emails of
@00:17:29 say yes china russia they hit our


@00:15:13 syria but not changing the map of the


@00:13:49 a corner now at this point in time iran
@00:14:16 country but iran is out there saying
@00:19:12 let's say if the iran deal doesn't go
@00:19:19 not just the iran deal it's that the

false flag

@00:20:36 there is some type of false flag event

North Korea

@00:16:57 that china russia north korea are behind


@00:06:49 out with things with no proof now the

Saudi Arabia

@00:13:32 forces with turkey jordan saudi arabia