Flynn Files Aid Durham, Comey Protected Fauci, OR DHS Confiscating Children, CPS Harassing Parents

from dnajlion7



@00:01:21 durham build a serious case because i
@00:02:10 john durham
@00:02:11 who is leading the investigation durham
@00:03:23 commissioned durham to review the events
@00:03:31 but durham has since expanded the scope
@00:03:46 and let's see the durham investigation
@00:04:14 helping durham in his investigation so i


@00:15:05 protective services cps investigator and
@00:15:44 confirms the need for cps reform
@00:17:20 so later what happens is then cps shows


@00:07:59 china so none of this stuff would have

Bill Gates

@00:08:25 effectively dumped the bill gates cdc
@00:08:49 during dr. foul qi and bill gates who
@00:09:10 overinflated data bill gates wants us to


@00:03:56 could be hindered by the corona virus
@00:06:28 house's coronavirus top medical adviser
@00:08:24 the coronavirus task force has
@00:09:29 don't think that the corona virus is a
@00:10:04 for corona virus and deemed unable to
@00:10:21 down with the corona virus the state of
@00:11:45 coronavirus and have found now we need
@00:12:08 trying to use this coronavirus pandemic


@00:04:47 but comey james comey pulled the plug a
@00:07:12 james comey situation with dr. pouchy
@00:07:15 because it's james comey who there
@00:07:26 was accusing bouchy ev and comey pulled
@00:07:43 between comey
@00:07:44 and found she and comey covering up for


@00:01:35 all the other indictments and arrests
@00:04:26 least all of the indictments and arrests

William Barr

@00:02:06 officials an attorney general bill barr
@00:03:21 flynn was framed barr initially
@00:03:42 forthcoming as barr monitors the probe

Deep state

@00:09:46 the deep state to try to shut the
@00:17:39 just examples again of how the deep
@00:17:42 state is trying to use this cove in


@00:05:09 vaccines doling out lucrative federal
@00:06:41 tainted vaccines fraud and more and foul


@00:12:35 roses at the delta clinic abortion
@00:13:10 9:40 that morning the delta clinic


@00:01:17 what's going on with general flynn and
@00:01:27 is general flynn really gonna be
@00:01:44 michael flynn case showing fbi officials
@00:02:34 evidence unsealed this week in the flynn
@00:02:44 flynn to lie so we can prosecute him or
@00:02:51 reopened the investigation into flynn
@00:03:00 interview of flynn at the white house
@00:03:04 with perjury in 2017 flynn pleaded
@00:03:21 flynn was framed barr initially
@00:04:12 general flynn last week are directly
@00:04:18 evidence that this flynn situation is


@00:04:17 think this is just more proof and