deleted Qanon April 29, 2020 - Watch What Happens Next

from prayingmedic



@00:05:19 other people here andrew mccabe near the
@00:07:41 mccabe he was deputy director jim
@00:13:57 baker comey mccabe josh campbell who are
@00:30:53 said jules is podesta rogers mccabe and


@00:02:30 durham is investigating leaks to the


@00:23:09 john f kennedy on secret societies on


@00:19:43 does china communicate securely with dnc


@00:00:30 map and q alerts in the play store you


@00:01:16 barack obama's presidency the iran deal


@00:38:09 strains of the corona virus and some of
@00:38:28 corona virus was established long ago


@00:06:44 points to ukraine crowdstrike and
@00:10:30 crowdstrike brennan the diagram the q
@00:11:37 that's what happened that crowdstrike


@00:06:20 cia bridge underscore brennan intel
@00:06:46 brennan reconcile if the chain of
@00:09:17 between agencies right brennan did an
@00:09:48 the supervision of john brennan who fed
@00:10:30 crowdstrike brennan the diagram the q
@00:12:57 brennan so that's this section here usa


@00:19:25 then posted this how does george soros
@00:20:45 february of this year george soros
@00:20:55 you think soros invested a lot of money


@00:05:21 top james comey at the very top jim or
@00:07:37 i've got james comey was director andrew
@00:12:54 clapper usa versus comey usa versus
@00:13:57 baker comey mccabe josh campbell who are


@00:13:24 all in this first section of indictments
@00:24:07 indicates indictments tracking non siv

Deep state

@00:14:37 expose a deep state and then that
@00:29:44 drop in there and find out what the deep
@00:29:47 state is doing so q posted this it's
@00:30:31 smoking gun deep state private chat you
@00:32:13 deep state people chatting alright we


@00:21:45 you posted a link to twitter support
@00:21:47 last night and twitter support said
@00:22:02 twitter was acting really scary last
@00:22:11 twitter kept linking him the wrong way
@00:27:13 was pretty crazy on twitter last night
@00:30:36 twitter thread there is a fork
@00:31:08 was on twitter last night and posted

Seth Rich

@00:11:54 an ak that seth rich gave the files to

Inspector General

@00:04:37 from the department of justice inspector
@00:04:41 general report on the fbi's handling of


@00:03:53 indictment regarding fisa abuse at six
@00:04:07 fisa warrant was illegal
@00:04:09 if fisa warrant was predicated on
@00:06:11 command fisa russia
@00:07:12 fisa can the same argument be made
@00:08:39 that oversaw the fisa surveillance
@00:13:18 fisa abuse okay
@00:18:32 on fisa abuse if adam schiff was privy


@00:02:12 general flynn is
@00:02:20 coming for general flynn if you haven't
@00:02:48 general flynn and through spying on him
@00:03:38 flynn currently being used to indict
@00:03:59 one p in brackets flynn interview this
@00:06:14 potus flynn roger stone papadopoulos
@00:08:44 and the investigations of general flynn
@00:14:56 exonerate general flynn was being used
@00:30:59 louise mensch and mf is mike flynn and
@00:37:41 flynn talked a little bit about

Saudi Arabia

@00:01:09 about the arrests of the saudi princes
@00:01:12 in saudi arabia talked about the clinton