Is The United Nations Responsible For Financing This Massive Migrant Caravan?!?

from TRUreporting



@00:09:28 that this could be kennedy jr. it says


@00:05:27 send billions in cash to iran are we


@00:06:53 but it's hilarious george soros and
@00:16:03 funding this invasion like george soros


@00:04:44 who what is the awan group where do they


@00:09:42 will all soon behold if jeff sessions is

Deep state

@00:18:44 outbreak would the deep state would the

Spirit cooking

@00:21:12 know just definitely look in the spirit
@00:21:13 cooking if you don't know what that is
@00:21:15 hash tag spirit cooking hash tags pizza


@00:00:35 follow me on twitter at true reporting
@00:04:02 my twitter at true reporting best
@00:15:45 believe on twitter actually was on
@00:21:36 on twitter at true reporting and also


@00:09:47 the punisher hashtag pain hashtag gitmo
@00:13:11 pretty interesting to look at gitmo

Pizza gate

@00:21:15 hash tag spirit cooking hash tags pizza
@00:21:18 gate pedo gate look into aberdeen and

North Korea

@00:05:52 to do with north korea what does this


@00:15:23 mexico look at this look at these people
@00:19:16 the pacific off mexico is about no-go

Saudi Arabia

@00:04:36 of saudi arabia why is this relevant who
@00:04:52 relationship between saudi arabia and
@00:04:56 why would saudi arabia provide tens of
@00:05:02 what do saudi arabia obtained in
@00:05:13 foundation by saudi arabia during 1516
@00:05:21 does repayment of funds to saudi arabia
@00:05:53 have to do with saudi arabia clinton
@00:05:59 to do with slush funds why is saudi
@00:06:02 arabia so vitally important follow the
@00:06:07 saudi arabia today why is this relevant
@00:06:23 back saudi arabia for funding hrc's
@00:06:33 this but all i can say is saudi arabia