Q Anon | This is why Jimmy is freaking out!

from JustInformed Talk ™️



@00:08:08 inspector general michael horowitz and
@00:09:06 inspector general horowitz in the nsa


@00:02:26 page mccabe and others involved in this
@00:07:36 page mccabe and others involved in this


@00:05:55 map pub get a lot of information there
@00:17:06 gives us this cut out from this is q map


@00:00:08 director james comey be indicted hi i'm
@00:01:33 james comey based on the fact that there
@00:02:41 grand jury i can assure you mr. comey
@00:03:14 against comey q now this is from a
@00:03:49 director the man in charge james comey
@00:03:56 with james comey in the highest levels
@00:04:02 james comey and what went on behind the
@00:07:01 testifying against comey and this is the
@00:07:51 jury i can assure you mr. comey has been


@00:09:38 president trump's twitter and q that to
@00:12:43 over here on my twitter at just and
@00:12:45 underscore formed on twitter right here
@00:13:32 go check it out on twitter this actually
@00:13:34 is right up on my twitter page it
@00:13:39 underscore formed on twitter and you can
@00:14:27 tweets on twitter so you know there you
@00:22:27 come over and check me out on twitter
@00:22:30 at justin underscore formed on twitter
@00:22:35 twitter is you get all my quippy little


@00:04:32 ten minute delta between basically texts

Inspector General

@00:02:32 james baker the former general counsel
@00:02:39 inspector general and with the federal
@00:08:02 note inspector general involved and then
@00:08:08 inspector general michael horowitz and
@00:08:10 nsa inspector general storch now this is
@00:08:18 back and watch it that inspector general
@00:09:06 inspector general horowitz in the nsa
@00:09:08 inspector general storage so there you


@00:11:08 new mexico that was shut down earlier
@00:11:56 sunspot new mexico there was a janitor


@00:08:05 it gives us these three guys john huber
@00:09:04 it's john huber the us attorney