Insider Reddit chat leaked-- Reddit is no more

from Tracy Beanz


Human trafficking

@00:00:18 show we had a human-trafficking expert


@00:00:18 show we had a human-trafficking expert


@00:01:58 pedophile pedophile constantly as ceo i

Pizza gate

@00:00:22 some insider information about pizza
@00:00:24 gate i am gonna be coming out with the
@00:00:27 video on pizza gate very soon i was
@00:00:33 news you know the the pizza gate threat
@00:00:53 basically complaining about the pizza
@00:00:54 gate subreddit being removed the ceo of
@00:01:54 pizza gate stuff as much as we try to

Saudi Arabia

@00:06:00 why the connection to saudi arabia is so