The European Refugee Crisis Was Created To Bring About Chaos And War - Episode 817b

from X22Report



@00:05:46 and what we're seeing is china is also
@00:06:11 be now china is already in there and
@00:06:37 business and of course wherever china
@00:10:37 now out in the china sea we understand
@00:10:41 provoking china we know they send a
@00:10:57 officer said the following if china
@00:11:22 the provocations towards china this is
@00:11:29 they want china to respond because we


@00:06:59 awarded soros george soros the medal of
@00:07:06 ukraine and we know george soros was
@00:07:57 this program and george soros does this

Saudi Arabia

@00:19:54 turkey saudi arabia qatar because they