deleted Q 12.29.30 - [D] Party Con, MORE Voter Fraud - His Name Was [SR]

from Dustin Nemos


William Barr

@00:09:04 then of course bar recently asked why
@00:11:42 with the ramped up even bar and

Deep state

@00:00:49 against the deep state attacks on your


@00:03:39 let's see twitter so russia didn't hack
@00:11:56 right on twitter so we have to be ready

Seth Rich

@00:03:33 the murder of seth rich for leaking the
@00:03:59 enc staffers seth rich who was murdered
@00:05:18 his name was seth rich and the dnc
@00:07:20 into dnc breach and dossier dnc seth
@00:07:23 rich wikileaks and then hussein dni
@00:08:04 seth rich we know this through bill