Tada! FBI Doc Predicted By Q Over 1 Yr Ago- MSM Deranged Anti-Q Attacks Follow

from Truth and Art TV



@00:05:19 china on a comprehensive trade deal and
@00:05:29 about china see what you think is that


@00:01:54 talked about james comey yesterday take
@00:02:01 with comb comey took the fbi files he
@00:02:33 director comey was so self-righteous and
@00:03:28 fittings logic the moves that comey made
@00:03:41 that comey knew that the fbi had come
@00:03:55 comey where he explained to me you can't
@00:04:21 comey is in and yet you have in the last
@00:04:57 evidence they have against comey that
@00:19:41 is a fox news article about james comey
@00:23:18 happening and we know that comey is

Deep state

@00:12:04 mainstream media colluding with the deep
@00:12:07 state to get stories like these outs and
@00:14:18 source this deep state there's and they
@00:15:19 media obviously the deep state as part
@00:15:39 of how the dems and the deep state
@00:16:08 records and gave it to the deep state
@00:16:56 deep state worship this guy while they

Red october

@00:22:10 this hot eight hot nine red red and you
@00:22:15 know this is october maybe and then

Inspector General

@00:03:20 inspector general for the intelligence

Pizza gate

@00:15:14 pizza gate and cue and none which makes


@00:08:53 the us-mexico border called it a very


@00:05:41 bigger bombshell proof that will trigger