Central Bankers Sending In Drones To Map Out Targets In Syria - Episode 451

from X22Report



@00:01:39 china they're pumping in billions of
@00:20:01 have to remember china and russia
@00:33:05 problems in this russia and china are on


@00:00:36 central banker sending in drones to map


@00:32:35 into iran and do the same exact thing
@00:33:12 countries invade iran kick out the


@00:12:07 on twitter the national science
@00:12:57 the future to report on other twitter
@00:13:26 on twitter and it will pretty much

false flag

@00:14:09 upset their false flag event inside the
@00:27:10 stage the chemical weapons false flag

Saudi Arabia

@00:24:41 region including jordan turkey and saudi
@00:24:43 arabia will join the u.s. in quashing