Economic Control Coming Back To The US, [CB] Admits They Help The Wealthy - Episode 1859a

from X22Report



@00:01:36 have the us-china trade talks going on
@00:10:29 china has been paying tariffs to the us
@00:10:52 by china remain untaxed but will be
@00:11:03 borne by china the trade deal with china
@00:11:11 so china is pushing back trump is using
@00:11:25 within china
@00:11:29 china they're the ones who receive the
@00:11:41 china it doesn't mean it's gonna go up
@00:11:48 purchases that product in china they pay
@00:12:17 put back on china not not on us here in

William Barr

@00:01:11 coin and a 10 ounce silver bar for

Deep state

@00:01:54 the deep state mainstream media the
@00:04:44 the deep state the mainstream media he
@00:14:34 united states not having the deep state
@00:14:54 rules not the deep state rules not the
@00:15:30 the deep state the central bank other


@00:07:54 well if you look at a twitter account