deleted Dems Want to Imprison TRUMP over COUP Lies

from Dustin Nemos



@00:01:43 would have leaked out someone like comey


@00:24:44 the democrat it scandal with the awan
@00:25:10 removed but the awan situation is still
@00:25:40 tells you right there that the awan
@00:25:53 i think the awan brothers and debbie

William Barr

@00:25:44 was just snapped up probably by barr and

Deep state

@00:00:58 and detoxification against the deep
@00:01:01 state attacks on your health
@00:12:03 railroad this seems like the deep state


@00:15:46 coming on twitter and facebook but


@00:05:57 my anti vaccines i took all of those

Seth Rich

@00:26:05 of seth rich i mean we know donna


@00:11:35 that that exonerates flynn come into
@00:11:37 play he's sticking flynn to his original
@00:11:43 statement which flynn should be innocent
@00:11:53 helps set up flynn where is pn co
@00:12:05 is still in power over general flynn and
@00:12:19 and general flynn does not belong in