It's All Happening At Once,Meanwhile Wisconsin Prepares For Power-Grid Collapse - Episode 1421b

from X22Report



@00:07:41 their chemical report and china is out
@00:08:17 flags all over the place and china is
@00:09:16 this is what china and russia are trying
@00:09:31 people to look at and china and russia
@00:11:59 russia china doesn't really make a
@00:16:05 or it was russia or it was china it


@00:05:49 do is they're trying to get into iran
@00:05:59 maybe then go to iran and we're gonna
@00:11:57 like it's coming from north korea iran
@00:16:18 maybe iran they're gonna say yes this is

false flag

@00:09:47 false flag and it really didn't occur

North Korea

@00:11:57 like it's coming from north korea iran
@00:16:01 which never came from north korea we
@00:16:03 tracked it down and it was north korea
@00:16:18 north korea
@00:16:53 spread and out in north korea we can


@00:04:46 has complete proof of all of this saying

Saudi Arabia

@00:05:43 be pushed by israel and saudi arabia