So What Exactly Is F.E.M.A Going To Do With 2500 Gallons Of Hydrogen Cyanide??

from TRUreporting



@00:04:42 that george soros is behind this
@00:04:43 deception and we know from soros kale

Deep state

@00:03:39 the picture it says the deep state is in
@00:03:42 big trouble the deep state has sought to
@00:03:50 demonstrate that the party and the deep
@00:03:52 state movement are dead in the water
@00:03:54 absolutely yes the deep state still
@00:06:09 to the control of the deep state and


@00:00:29 but i will post the link to his twitter
@00:00:39 banned also follow me on twitter at true
@00:15:25 can follow me on twitter at true
@00:15:34 with you per se is through twitter so

Mass arrests

@00:08:13 extreme actions of unwarranted arrests
@00:08:15 and mass executions are designed to