Clones And Body Doubles!

from TRUreporting



@00:01:48 sealed indictments the great awakening
@00:01:58 year of indictments is about 3,000 to
@00:06:44 michael cohen indictments lead to a


@00:04:50 uber is a federal prosecutor sessions

William Barr

@00:04:53 was an attorney general barr and

Deep state

@00:01:37 could be absolutely without the deep
@00:01:40 state holding us back and again nothing
@00:02:29 into the face of the deep state and
@00:13:17 move by the deep state

Spirit cooking

@00:14:34 spirit cooking pedophilia the fbi code


@00:00:42 also follow me on twitter at true
@00:09:39 twitter now let me get back to i this by
@00:22:28 follow me on twitter

Seth Rich

@00:13:03 a moment it is no coincidence that seth
@00:13:05 rich obtained the files he had cover

Pizza gate

@00:17:46 from saying that pizza gate is real and
@00:18:35 board smart people realize that pizza
@00:18:38 gate is real smart people know that the


@00:19:10 the muller report to release the fisa
@00:19:12 remember fisa works both ways this is
@00:19:15 q is referring to the fisa they have