China Makes Another Move Which Threatens The US Dollar -- Episode 269

from X22Report



@00:00:35 the title of this episode is china makes
@00:00:43 china has already sent up the red flares
@00:01:09 within the country we see china going to
@00:01:30 has made deals with china saudi arabia
@00:01:33 has made deals with china egypt has made
@00:01:35 deals with china north korea russia iran
@00:01:42 making deals with china because they
@00:09:02 we understand that china is making its
@00:09:15 china already if you look in africa and
@00:09:19 china is always on the opposite side
@00:09:43 are supported by china because they're
@00:10:00 china for quite a while at this quite a
@00:10:09 threatened by china and the u one
@00:10:23 is what they're doing china on the other
@00:10:25 hand and i'm not for china and not for
@00:10:33 china has been making deals they've been
@00:11:15 china the western banks are selling
@00:11:35 rid of it and the china banks are coming
@00:11:38 in and taking over china merchants
@00:11:55 division to china international united
@00:12:00 china is pushing forward we see what is
@00:12:04 happening right now now china what they
@00:13:14 currency china russia north korea all
@00:13:28 deals with china they see the writing on
@00:13:57 from china right now they have to use
@00:14:07 with china and say okay now we're going
@00:26:15 all the people there now in china they
@00:26:27 central bankers us government and china
@00:26:58 china millions of chinese internet users


@00:01:35 deals with china north korea russia iran
@00:10:39 been making deals with iran

false flag

@00:17:42 telling us this and the false flag in
@00:20:01 this will be the false flag and then
@00:21:23 when they implement the false flag to
@00:22:15 there's going to be some type of false
@00:22:17 flag because there's just too many
@00:23:43 sochi some type of false flag event

North Korea

@00:01:35 deals with china north korea russia iran
@00:10:36 making deals with north korea they've
@00:13:14 currency china russia north korea all

Saudi Arabia

@00:01:30 has made deals with china saudi arabia