The PEOPLE'S General. Soon!

from Citizens Investigative Report



@00:11:11 and the iran deal and we'll get to that
@00:18:23 the iran nuclear deal


@00:18:35 mr clapper and mr brennan for example


@00:06:58 right people on the flynn case comey
@00:07:38 comey sally yates joe biden and
@00:07:55 this caused former fbi director comey to
@00:09:10 evidence james comey had no business
@00:14:06 jim comey sally yates joe biden
@00:14:24 this caused former fbi director comey to
@00:16:00 i know that jim comey actually admits


@00:02:03 yesterday the flynn case update came at
@00:02:09 the flynn case
@00:02:19 flynn
@00:04:14 this is a big victory for the flynn
@00:06:21 in regard to pet general general flynn
@00:06:58 right people on the flynn case comey
@00:07:00 says the flynn kislyak
@00:07:49 people investigate general flynn
@00:08:15 flynn the notes are attached as exhibit
@00:08:50 and then um general flynn gave his first
@00:09:55 flynn
@00:10:40 flynn probe raised the issue of the
@00:11:24 investigate flynn
@00:11:45 targeted flynn he called it quote the
@00:11:52 that flynn was entrapped
@00:12:00 to investigate michael flynn and was
@00:12:06 investigate michael flynn number one
@00:12:23 mike michael flynn over those uh
@00:12:55 general michael flynn
@00:13:16 flynn
@00:14:14 uh and how to proceed against flynn
@00:14:18 how to proceed against flynn obama
@00:14:22 investigate flynn
@00:15:47 and then within two weeks general flynn
@00:17:54 general flynn was
@00:18:08 why do you think general flynn was a
@00:18:11 take us back to when flynn was in the
@00:18:15 all of these players knew flynn they
@00:18:17 wanted flynn out of the way
@00:18:52 i mean flynn was a democrat he was
@00:19:19 general flynn uh at some point during
@00:19:29 talking about investigating flynn and
@00:21:02 flynn you basically opened this up this
@00:21:17 don't have like the original flynn 302
@00:21:45 you know flynn was going to audit the
@00:22:05 that you just made flynn wanted to audit
@00:22:48 on flynn
@00:22:58 trump and flynn to gauge and assess
@00:23:29 country by taking flynn out of that
@00:24:10 general flynn it's an honor to have you
@00:30:44 flynn family friends of the flint
@00:32:14 for mike flynn but for
@00:32:56 all right general flynn we look forward
@00:33:00 uh a good day for the flynn family today
@00:33:11 nice to hear from general flynn he was