New Holmseth Post Court Footage, Comey Collapse, Deep State Turns On Royals

from dnajlion7



@00:04:22 horowitz is showing us lots and indeed


@00:04:06 comey is out both mccabe and comey are


@00:04:52 andrew his involvement with epstein the
@00:06:04 epstein but had no idea that epstein was
@00:07:28 epstein mess
@00:08:12 torture that was the hallmark of epstein


@00:02:35 sex trafficking that comey has been
@00:03:12 trafficking or satanic pedophile running
@00:03:15 this child sex trafficking racket along
@00:04:57 with child sex trafficking has been for
@00:06:24 been implicit in child sex trafficking

Able Danger

@00:09:00 of you who watch able danger and filled


@00:01:52 comey because i still got bombarded i
@00:02:01 letting comey off oh okay i'm gonna be
@00:02:13 he says why get james comey on a parking
@00:02:22 james comey will be charged with the
@00:02:35 sex trafficking that comey has been
@00:02:42 they were to prosecute comey
@00:03:07 comey is guilty of high treason trying
@00:04:06 comey is out both mccabe and comey are
@00:04:31 he said comey has now become one of the
@00:06:34 to come for jim comey i'm gonna go ahead
@00:07:05 is still to come for jim comey and

Deep state

@00:07:12 know the deep state guardian british
@00:07:15 deep state mouthpiece guardian turns on
@00:08:05 a huge deep state mouthpiece and now


@00:12:34 twitter twitter it out on my twitter


@00:03:12 trafficking or satanic pedophile running


@00:05:47 hopefully isaac capi was the last one

Timothy Holmseth

@00:09:18 was of me meeting was me meeting timothy
@00:09:21 holmes test parents what's today which