Correcting Yesterday's Video Re: Blagojevich, Dems Destroy Each Other, More Q Drops

from dnajlion7



@00:09:59 marketing and the l brand ceos epstein
@00:10:42 pedophile just like his buddy epstein i

Deep state

@00:05:51 deep state cabal and will expose all the
@00:14:46 the nefarious deeds of the deep state it

Seth Rich

@00:05:39 investigation into the murder of seth
@00:05:41 rich so hallelujah that provides a lot


@00:10:42 pedophile just like his buddy epstein i
@00:14:09 pedophile rings that have been running

Pizza gate

@00:06:11 going on in dc the pizza gate all this


@00:02:43 what michael flynn went through right i
@00:02:45 mean michael flynn there was a 302
@00:02:48 exonerated macca flynn and in this case