deleted UniBlock. Example of Sophistry & Deception. Lessons for any Patriot Pushing Back Vs Anti Q Shills

from Dustin Nemos



@00:00:43 it's on his own twitter he backed out he
@00:01:20 blowing up my twitter and i don't want
@00:02:10 through i find on twitter that there is
@00:02:53 he blocked me on twitter we'll get to
@00:05:20 have his people come to my twitter and
@00:08:34 twitter i don't have to keep typing it
@00:08:58 you can check it on his twitter of
@00:10:40 debate is but he blocks me on twitter
@00:10:54 on twitter and i actually i can probably
@00:11:08 twitter just for asking when you're
@00:11:20 keep sending me on twitter and i just
@00:11:43 twitter i'm trying to scale down my my
@00:20:15 on twitter then you've probably seen it


@00:00:27 challenge to isaac green it was actually
@00:00:30 in uni but isaac you know he has a
@00:00:37 so you know isaac back down i've heard
@00:05:09 point you isaac backed out uni continued
@00:08:49 they even claim that isaac didn't back