[3.29] Facebook & Twitter / EMP / NXIVM / Combatting Vaccine HYSTERIA / Back to the Moon

from Destroying the Illusion



@00:12:59 vice-president pence giving nasa five
@00:13:05 decades secretly nasa might claim it


@00:00:45 but they must be mad because twitter
@00:00:59 videos and the twitter policy chief said
@00:07:15 person sent me a dm on twitter and
@00:14:04 twitter or something like that


@00:00:14 number two vaccines some things there
@00:05:05 energy when it comes to vaccines holy
@00:05:23 about it vaccines so a lot of things
@00:05:25 talk about regards to vaccines here
@00:09:20 and a little bit more on vaccines amid
@00:10:48 off about vaccines video showing arizona
@00:12:03 period these vaccines are not safe