U.S. Government Admits U.S. Troops Are Officially On The Ground In Syria - Episode 767b

from X22Report



@00:08:19 to be russia china north korea iran


@00:08:19 to be russia china north korea iran
@00:08:43 russia they have sanctions on iran which
@00:21:51 iran and they're expected to increase
@00:22:14 monitoring whether iran may try to
@00:22:25 that north korea and iran could be
@00:22:59 because they needed to get into iran and
@00:23:26 trying to bring together iran and north
@00:23:45 be blamed on iran and north korea to get


@00:22:11 john brennan saying that his agency is

false flag

@00:18:37 say they have the event the false flag
@00:18:38 but let's not call it a false flag let's
@00:23:40 surprised if we see some type of false
@00:23:43 flag event come out of this and it could
@00:24:28 false flag event and you can see it is

North Korea

@00:08:03 about north korea how they're creating a
@00:08:19 to be russia china north korea iran
@00:08:33 north korea to stop north korea from
@00:09:10 north korea russia syria and many other
@00:09:51 see already with north korea they're
@00:22:22 such as north korea so they're saying
@00:22:25 that north korea and iran could be
@00:23:26 trying to bring together iran and north
@00:23:28 korea where they're trying to make this
@00:23:45 be blamed on iran and north korea to get


@00:15:18 without proof without a trial without

Saudi Arabia

@00:16:12 saudi arabia qatar baja rain or the us