In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 4.8.18/2

from In Pursuit of Truth



@00:12:32 over here to the world map now i just


@00:13:29 in iran and you'll notice that cue says
@00:13:35 iran us next as of march 15th iran is
@00:13:38 next will iran is next iran is next we
@00:13:40 got to get to iran right well what do we
@00:13:42 need to get you to iran well we need a
@00:13:54 can get to iran because we have the
@00:14:15 on iran saudi arabia doesn't like you
@00:16:42 border towards iran and finishing up

Deep state

@00:09:05 trying to start over who sounds a deep
@00:09:06 state is trying to war start a war the
@00:10:56 trump knows that the deep state knows
@00:10:59 that the deep state knows that because
@00:12:10 as well as a deep state knew that as
@00:14:24 deep state knows that so what do they do


@00:01:06 like foxtrot romeo hotel yankee delta 5
@00:01:11 8 9 4 - 3 5 8 0 - 3 5 7 delta bravo echo

North Korea

@00:16:45 with north korea ladies and gentlemen


@00:06:59 move on well cue it's on to proof and

Saudi Arabia

@00:14:15 on iran saudi arabia doesn't like you