deleted 8.13.2019 Epstein Updates & More

from Dustin Nemos



@00:00:34 interesting isn't it this epstein thing
@00:01:40 guarding epstein was not even a
@00:05:22 complicit with epstein guys this is big
@00:06:58 anyone who was complicit with epstein
@00:15:21 epstein thing i do think that we're


@00:05:40 trafficking case was very important to

William Barr

@00:04:50 neither does ag bar that's why he's
@00:05:16 bill barr quote let me assure you that
@00:08:54 called the uss bill barr has snuck up on

Deep state

@00:08:43 bottom line there is a deep state like a

Inspector General

@00:06:41 and the office of inspector general are