deleted 6.4.2020 - Q - The Swamp Fights Back - But WE HAVE IT ALL

from Dustin Nemos



@00:06:59 or if i had my own george soros
@00:14:24 kim gardner is a soros funded and
@00:14:32 know that soros has been putting a lot
@00:14:39 this reason soros plays the long game he
@00:14:46 safe zones every single democrat soros

Deep state

@00:00:29 digging up the dirty secrets of the deep
@00:00:30 state that's our family time these days
@00:01:02 plus it deep cleans and destroys acne to
@00:01:05 improve your complexion the deep state


@00:00:11 everyone know i'm back on twitter at
@00:07:18 more 43 98 we have a twitter message
@00:12:04 have a twitter message from eric schmidt