Q Anon/News - LA Guns - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.10.19

from In Pursuit of Truth



@00:01:24 were talking about the china ocean
@00:01:36 the china ocean shipping company more
@00:30:38 capitalized with china we lose 500


@00:05:58 googly map and as you can see outlined
@00:18:17 the googley map one more time as you can


@00:22:40 george soros the house of saud and the


@00:20:56 dan antifa they could be selling guns to

William Barr

@00:23:15 attorney general bill barr in contempt
@00:24:19 house of representatives versus bar
@00:32:01 bar gaudi from boarding flight to the us


@00:06:44 twitter has been doing some tippy-top
@00:31:49 twitter and find it i also posted this
@00:32:50 here at twitter please join me over here
@00:32:52 if you're on twitter at 1776 that's at


@00:08:14 underground bank ball
@00:11:12 underground bank vault and was abandoned
@00:15:03 opportunity to buy a condo underground
@00:15:07 living underground they don't want media
@00:15:14 underground city and i just what a point
@00:16:01 underground similar to the getty museum