deleted The Treasonous Deep State Democrats Having Last Stand (Pre Mass Arrests)

from Dustin Nemos



@00:11:51 democrat candidates call on china to
@00:12:55 china so why should russia have all the
@00:13:03 republicans why don't we ask china to
@00:13:07 back us i hear by tonight ask china
@00:13:10 that's right and not only that china if
@00:19:20 when i saw president putin in china i
@00:20:48 to anti foreign interference anti-china


@00:30:43 clintons he's been involved in uranium 1


@00:16:46 oh my gosh nervous james comey viciously


@00:25:43 attorney general sessions was conflicted

William Barr

@00:15:59 bar and contempt of course he doesn't
@00:16:26 calls on ag bill bar to resign remember
@00:16:34 bar stuns a dunning dick blumenthal when
@00:16:49 also attacks ival bar again mid hearing
@00:17:33 their secret societies now bill bar also
@00:26:57 justice mr. muller left it to mr. barr
@00:27:03 he said mr. barr you decide mr. barr did


@00:04:32 twitter account here i actually wanted


@00:01:40 especially when it comes to vaccines and
@00:01:44 on vaccines i was actually a little


@00:20:59 to gitmo i get chills thinking about it

Saudi Arabia

@00:15:06 everyone else collusion saudi arabia who