US Officials Report Cyber Attacks Are Getting Worse And Could Lead To A Catastrophe - Episode 778b

from X22Report



@00:02:02 blaming it on russia north korea china
@00:09:37 lithium copper and guess what china and
@00:17:55 in there china is on their way they
@00:19:25 this deal that obama struck with china
@00:19:44 that china is continually cyber attack
@00:21:04 they're setting up these states china
@00:23:32 this to china we're going to lower their


@00:11:11 we see iran right now is buying about 21
@00:11:19 satellites from russia iran is out there
@00:11:21 making deals russia's making deals iran
@00:11:46 the banking system in iran and putting
@00:11:54 make this deal with iran the dollar
@00:12:01 happen is iran is not going to
@00:18:03 understand that russia iraq iran
@00:18:56 state syria is working with russia iran
@00:19:52 united states north korea iran syria and
@00:22:34 we don't make this deal with iran the

false flag

@00:19:37 they're going to do is have a false flag
@00:21:16 when the false flag hits they're going

North Korea

@00:02:02 blaming it on russia north korea china
@00:19:52 united states north korea iran syria and
@00:21:09 russia north korea they have to make it

Saudi Arabia

@00:12:34 in yemen right now remember saudi arabia