U.S. Now Providing Lethal Aid To Ukraine, Major Offensive Soon To Follow - Episode 627

from X22Report



@00:17:54 you know the the making deals with china
@00:19:55 foreign companies operating in china are
@00:21:05 they're very angry about this and china
@00:21:34 everywhere and this is why china and
@00:30:29 these countries because wherever china
@00:30:47 close relationship with china and they


@00:24:30 and iran over nuclear weapons and
@00:41:35 been talking about how iran is keeping
@00:43:12 treaty but if you look at iran they have
@00:44:52 continually firing on yemen we see iran

false flag

@00:33:44 up just like every other false flag here

Saudi Arabia

@00:43:33 saudi arabia which is controlled by the
@00:44:38 governments and we see that saudi arabia
@00:45:06 saudi arabia their first mistake was the
@00:45:13 anything to saudi arabia absolutely
@00:45:56 against saudi arabia that as the country
@00:46:12 saudi arabia is just coming in for no
@00:46:31 saudi attack on yemen the white house
@00:46:35 contact with saudi arabia they drove