Trumps Sends A Message To The [DS] & The [CB] - Episode 1771a

from X22Report


Deep state

@00:00:42 is trump sends a message to the deep
@00:00:45 state and the central bank we all know
@00:02:07 bring down the deep state to bring down
@00:02:14 world is a deep state central bank world
@00:02:46 the deep state to the central bank which
@00:04:19 right now now remember the deep state
@00:10:17 central bank the deep state they're not
@00:10:32 remove the deep state yes he's preparing
@00:11:30 trump's message is to the deep state to
@00:12:24 all sides the deep state is in trouble
@00:13:00 back everything the deep state the