Apple, Planes, And The Mysterious Shipment - Episode 1559b

from X22Report



@00:19:29 financial team is in china trying to


@00:23:17 korea and the next is iran and we can


@00:19:11 when comey kept on saying we need to get

Deep state

@00:01:24 like the deep state is weakening him and
@00:12:17 it's the coalition forces the deep state
@00:14:07 helmets how smart whether deep state how
@00:20:50 the establishment the deep state can't
@00:22:38 specific reasons to box the deep state
@00:22:58 deep state they are falling right into


@00:03:38 originally begun via the original fisa
@00:04:16 that the fbi was handling the fisa

North Korea

@00:08:23 actually is now we can see out in north
@00:08:27 korea
@00:08:37 to be denuclearization in north korea
@00:23:15 working out for them they lost north
@00:23:17 korea and the next is iran and we can


@00:07:03 resignations queue says who has the

Saudi Arabia

@00:08:53 deal with the saudi military where they
@00:09:04 came out and so saudi arabia has
@00:10:14 in saudi arabia to advise train service
@00:10:50 saudi arabia the uk saudi agreements
@00:11:14 by uk military commitments to saudi
@00:11:16 arabia and have never been disclosed to
@00:11:21 discloses one of them from a uk saudi
@00:11:47 personnel rule remain available in saudi
@00:11:50 arabia for preparation including arming
@00:11:58 during an armed conflict in which saudi
@00:12:02 arabia is involved and we can see that