US Buying Time With The Current Peace Deal To Plan The Next Move In Syria - Episode 901b

from X22Report


false flag

@00:05:45 we know was a false flag from all the
@00:21:44 going to use a false flag they got to


@00:11:51 underground tunnel system a network so

North Korea

@00:13:38 have the largest drill in south korea
@00:13:44 provoke north korea and also to have
@00:13:48 north korea do something
@00:13:50 so we see north korea right is saying
@00:14:04 they want to show north korea putting
@00:14:18 demonize north korea this is how the


@00:15:33 forth which this is just more proof that

Saudi Arabia

@00:22:26 be multiple plans we already see saudi
@00:22:29 arabia the saudi foreign minister saying