Greek People Take To The Streets To Protest The Austerity Deal - Episode 713

from X22Report



@00:08:42 china and espionage they could have just
@00:08:44 yeah was china they hit our financial
@00:09:13 it's going to be from china north korea
@00:31:18 china and russia are there and this is
@00:33:33 it's the same players russia china north


@00:33:38 korea india iran you name it it's these


@00:23:53 we've seen james comey is the fbi
@00:26:10 just hearing about it james comey saying

North Korea

@00:08:38 with north korea just like they did with
@00:09:13 it's going to be from china north korea
@00:33:33 it's the same players russia china north
@00:33:38 korea india iran you name it it's these

Saudi Arabia

@00:34:36 yemen now saudi arabia they are
@00:35:13 government and saudi arabia it looks