12.18 - Storm Cometh/Fake UFO Disclosure/ATL Airport/CDC Words/Obama/Pope

from Destroying the Illusion



@00:05:17 pundit discussing how mccabe fbi deputy
@00:05:22 director mccabe has plenty of ties to


@00:18:39 you know he put robert f kennedy jr. as


@00:25:28 right not only that we had nasa

Las Vegas

@00:06:54 las vegas shooting in over two months


@00:20:52 turned to trafficking cocaine and
@00:21:06 campaign targeting this drug trafficking


@00:05:31 comey and mueller let it all happen and

Deep state

@00:14:05 to some deep state perpetrators were
@00:15:11 with the occultism of the deep state
@00:15:32 deep state they they co-opted a law
@00:21:17 deep state wants to distract us from so
@00:23:39 that the deep state wants to distract us
@00:24:33 against the brainwashed deep state


@00:01:49 on twitter facebook or snapchat you can
@00:02:00 that twitter ban that's supposedly
@00:02:12 and if that does happen and my twitter
@00:08:25 so this is harry reid's twitter he
@00:11:54 you go to his twitter here there's like
@00:13:03 space lurking around twitter and i saw a
@00:14:19 i'm going to show you of a twitter feed
@00:24:10 way of vox the assholes at vox twitter
@00:24:21 remember those new twitter rules go into
@00:24:42 to be silenced but anyway if twitter

false flag

@00:00:29 little bit more about the false flag
@00:08:12 this whole false flag fake disclosure
@00:13:56 it was a false flag set up you know
@00:15:44 supposed to be a false flag a big false
@00:15:47 flag and what it occurred is that they
@00:15:57 prevented that false flag from occurring
@00:16:34 be a large false flag that was stopped
@00:16:59 false flags in play we got a false flag
@00:17:04 my opinion what was a potential false
@00:17:06 flag in atlanta that was luckily looked
@00:17:29 one hand no more false flags so that's
@00:17:35 believe that this was a botched false
@00:17:38 flag and he also said ten days of


@00:16:21 oh there was a fire in an underground

Inspector General

@00:10:07 defense inspector general report so it's