This Is a Methodical Plan Moving Ahead With Military Precision,[DS] Has Been Warned - Episode 2009b

from X22Report



@00:09:04 office bar and durham must have the
@00:09:07 goods and yes barn durham does have the


@00:06:05 with the whole ukraine china romania


@00:14:04 former cia director john brennan a


@00:10:14 telling everyone indictments are coming

William Barr

@00:09:04 office bar and durham must have the
@00:25:13 walked on stage to take command bar what
@00:25:38 provide bar this is not simply another

Deep state

@00:00:44 deep state has been warned now before we
@00:01:25 geopolitical news now the deep state
@00:01:33 resolution it passed and the deep state
@00:01:44 elected and now they have it the deep
@00:01:48 state has stepped right into the trap
@00:02:10 report the deep state was just set up
@00:09:12 now the deep state they're falling right
@00:13:15 part of the deep state apparatus did he
@00:14:39 we have here another deep state
@00:17:03 pelosi shift resolution foe the deep
@00:17:06 state is heading right into the trap
@00:18:14 again if the deep state the dems have
@00:18:52 is push propaganda now the deep state
@00:23:40 sec rudy giuliani let's the deep state
@00:26:46 of what the deep state the dems think is
@00:30:38 about the deep state criminal folk and
@00:31:04 control the deep state players they have
@00:31:26 the deep state in the mainstream media


@00:03:30 out the facebook to follow twitter and
@00:03:37 especially twitter that since jack
@00:03:47 this is what twitter ceo jack dorsey


@00:09:46 arrests they had flynn man afford


@00:13:19 produce any evidence no he has no proof